

The Residency Tour

The Residency Tour

In 2023, Arts en résidence - Réseau national is organising a series of regional events on the theme of residencies, aimed at artists and writers, to help them better understand this working environment.

The Residency Tour - 5/6 Flers
Saturday 18 November 2023, 2:00 to 6:00 PM
At Flers, hosted by 2angles
8 rue du Pré-Neuf, Flers-Saint-Georges-des-Groseillers
Subscription here
Deadline to register : November 16
Free entrance

Arts en résidence
Découvrir le réseau

The aim of these meetings is to help artists-authors find their way around the landscape of residencies in the visual arts in France, to better prepare their applications and to better understand the professional framework of the residency.

The residency tour has already made stops in Clermont-Ferrand, Rennes, Toulouse and Bordeaux, with the support of network members, regional networks and other associated organisations.

This 5th stage of the residency tour is taking place in Flers in the Orne department for one day, organised in collaboration with 2angles, thankyouforcoming and with the complicity of RN13BIS - art contemporain en Normandie.

This meeting will be the first public event in 2angles' new space in former industrial premises.

Claire Migraine, director of thankyouforcoming, will be in attendance.

After the event, join us for Premier Rappel, an evening of visual art and contemporary dance, featuring a residency by artist Ken Sortais and a performance by La Presque Compagnie.

The evening is free of charge and can be booked here.