
Nouveaux commanditaires

Moi aussi j'aime la politique

Moi aussi j'aime la politique

From 2018 to 2022, a group of citizens who support or carry out actions to welcome exiled people crossing the French-Italian border, particularly in the Roya Valley, is initiating a New Patrons commission, entrusted to the artist Marie Voignier.

Médiation-production : thankyouforcoming

Le projet
I L'action Nouveaux commanditaires
I Dossier de présentation du projet (PDF)
I L'artiste Marie Voignier

Lettre et publication
I Octobre 2018 - Lire la lettre des commanditaires à l'artiste (PDF)
I Septembre 2022 - Texte Faire suite de Nina Leger

I Retrouvez ici toutes les dates de projections et rencontres

Autour de la commande
I Février 2020 - Introduction à la commande dans le magazine du FRAC PACA "Ce même monde"
I Juillet 2022 - Entretien avec Marie Voignier pour le FID Marseille
I Décembre 2022 - Captation de l'échange suite à la projection du film au Centre Pompidou

En savoir plus ? Programmer le film ? Contactez-nous !

This mode of action by the New Patrons resonated with the citizens of the Roya-Bevera region, a valley in the highlands of Nice and the only territory in the Southern Alps to have a permanent crossing between Italy and France, the Col de Tende. While the fragile equilibrium of these valleys was pushing some people to leave them, the most publicised mobilisation on the spot was that of a part of the inhabitants directly or indirectly invested in the reception of exiled people, forced to move, for whom the Roya valley was between 2015 and 2018 a privileged place of passage, from Italy.

In this controversial context, this group of citizens from different backgrounds who carry out or support these gestures of welcome - sometimes by choice, often out of humanity - simultaneously manifested, at the beginning of 2018, the desire to highlight these actions of solidarity and to restore a hospitable image of the valley.
They then extend this invitation to an artist: « It is in this sense that we would like you to work for and with us, taking into account who we are and what we do: to welcome or not to welcome? We think that you certainly understand that this problem does not only involve our group. That it is the problem of every border region, here, but also everywhere else in the world. That it is necessary to ask ourselves this question collectively. That it can be widely shared because it concerns the inhabitants of this planet that is so cut up, so truncated. Your work will therefore be intended to provoke a broad debate. (...) This is quite a challenge, but we will be there to help you. »

The artist would be invited to create a video project that takes up a human experience that has been lived collectively, evoking more generally, through the prism of history and individual stories, in a multi-century tradition, the notions of welcome, hospitality and solidarity. By acting as a medium of transmission and mediation, by allowing debate, exchange and participation in a collective reconfiguration of the sensitive, this commission constitutes an unprecedented means of emancipation and of taking charge of politics. The New Patrons initiative is an opportunity to act; not only to participate, but to choose a modality of action through art, which goes beyond the vital urgencies of the short term and carries a collective reflection on the long term.

In 2019, the mediator of thankyouforcoming presents the work of several artists to the commissioners, who choose together to solicit Marie Voignier. In the summer of 2022, the artist proposes her interpretation of the commission: the film "I Like Politics Too".

The Patrons
AVRAM Claudine, maraîchère – La Brigue
BELLANGER Frédérique, enseignante au lycée horticole et agricole d'Antibes – Nice
CAPPELLETTI Francine, enseignante (italien et théâtre) au Lycée Curie à Menton – Vintimille (Italie)
CLAUDO Charles, enseignant (histoire) au Lycée Pierre et Curie à Menton – Sospel
FRÉCHURET Maurice, historien de l’art – Nice
GUERON Soar, étudiant à l’INALCO - Paris, berger au Soudan – Sospel/Paris
LÉVY-LEBLOND Jean-Marc, physicien et essayiste – Nice/Saorge
PRIO Suzel, membre de l'association Roya Citoyenne – Tende/Saorge
SPANO Fanny, artiste, chargée du développement des publics et de la communication – Sospel/Paris.

Partnerships and support
A project supported by the Fondation de France, Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso and the Région Sud (Carte blanche arts visuels).

Technical details of the film
I Like Politics Too, 2022, 58min, color
Director: Marie Voignier
Original version: French, Arabic, Italian
Subtitles: French or Arabic or English or Italian or Turkish
Sceenario: Marie Voignier
Image: Léa Guintrand, Marie Voignier, Roxane Perrot, Thomas Favel
Editing: Rodolphe Molla
Sound: Jean Pourchier, Thomas Fourel
Production: thankyouforcoming (action Nouveaux commanditaires)
Distribution: Bonjour Cinéma
Selective filmography: Na China, 2020 ; Tinselwood, 2017 ; Tourisme International, 2014 ; L’Hypothèse du Mokélé-Mbembé, 2011 ; Hinterland, 2009

Thankyouforcoming, a member of the Société des Nouveaux Commanditaires, was in charge of the mediation-production of this commission (2018-2022) with the support of the Fondation de France, the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation and the Région Sud (Carte blanche arts visuels).